MPICH2 test programs, by Douglas Eadline, 01/24/06 Create/Edit file "hosts" with machine list. Load the MPICH2 tcp module: $ module load mpich/3.1.3/gnu4 If you want to use MPICH2 with Open-MX then use: $ module load mpich-omx/3.1.3/gnu4 Building and running programs: ------------------------------ Build C version of pi program: $ mpicc -o cpi cpi.c Run C pi program: $ mpiexec -n 8 -f hosts ./cpi Build FORTRAN version of pi program: $ mpif77 -o fpi fpi.f Run FORTRAN pi program: $ mpiexec ssh -n 8 -f hosts ./fpi If you use the open-mx version make sure the open-mx service is running on the nodes. To start open-mx (as root) # service open-mx start # pdsh service open-mx start