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Model 122-222: Memory Upgrade

<BR />Model 122-222: Memory  Upgrade
ECC Memory

Provides additional 32GB or 64 GB ECC DDR5-5200 RAM per node.

The 32 GB per node upgrade provides an additional 128 GB per system. The 64 GB per node upgrade provides an additional 256 GB per system. The following table provides the total amount of memory per model for each upgrade.

Model Base-Memory Upgrade-32-GB/NodeUpgrade-64-GB/Node
122 128 GB 256 GB 384 GB
222 256 GB 384 GB 512 GB

Note: This upgrade must be purchased with a Limulus system. It is not intended as a user installable option. Only available on LImulus models, 122, 222 Price subject to change due to market conditions.